Unit of Study


Unit of Study Title:  The Writing Process           

Grade Level:  4th                                                                       

Time Frame:  3 weeks

Unit Designers:  Mark and Jennifer Gemar

SD Content Standard Goals:

1.  Students will write effectively for different audiences and specific purposes.

2.  Students will use critical listening and viewing skills in various situations and for a variety of purposes.

3.  Students will speak effectively in a variety of formal and informal situations.

SD Content Standard Indicators:

Indicators 1:  Use appropriate mechanics, usage, and conventions of language.

Indicator 2:  Use appropriate style, organization, and form in technical, transactional, creative, and personal writing.

Indicator 3:  Use various strategies and techniques to improve writing quality.

Indicator 4:  Write to clarify and enhance understanding of information.

Indicators 5:  Students will use various listening and viewing strategies in social, academic, and occupational situations.

Indicator 6:  Students will interpret and evaluate ideas/information from various oral and visual sources.

Indicator 7:  Students will use various strategies retain/retrieve critical oral and visual information.

 Indicator 8:  Students will use the appropriate structure and sequence to best express ideas and convey information.

Indicator 9:  Students will use appropriate language and style for a variety of social, occupational, formal, and informal situations.

Indicator 10:  Students will use various presentation strategies to enhance oral communication. (example: non-verbal techniques, visual aids, physical setting/environments.

SD Content Standard Benchmarks: 

            a.  apply fundamental conventions of language in written work.

            b.  use descriptive vocabulary and proper spelling in written work.

            c.  revise edit written work using fundamental conventions of language.

d.  describe mental and physical barriers to effective listening and viewing, e.g.,

     personal interest, extraneous sounds.

e.  describe various listening techniques which can be used in problem-solving

     and decision-making situations.

f.  describe the influence of non-verbal cues on communication.

            g.  describe how purpose of an oral presentation influences organization.

            h.  present oral information in a clear and organized manner.

            i.  use proper responses of others to determine speaking effectiveness. 

Other Content Standards: 

South Dakota 4th Grade Writing Goals

1.  apply various stages of the writing process. (example: brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, publishing)

9.  choose descriptive words that are content appropriate and provide clarity and focus for the reader.

10.  write using correct grammar. (example: verb forms, possessives)

17.  edit final copies for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. (example: abbreviations, nouns of address, apostrophes)

 18.  use technology for revising and editing. (example: spell/grammar check)

19.  revise selected drafts by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging sentences.

South Dakota 4th Grade  Listening and Viewing Goals

1.  respond courteously and respectfully to the ideas and thoughts of others.

9.   connect prior experiences, insights, and ideas to what is heard or seen.

                South Dakota 4th Grade Speaking Standards

1.  make narrative and informative presentations that provide facts, details, examples, and descriptions.

2.  present effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform the listener.

3.  use appropriate structures for conveying information. (example: cause and effect, similarity and differences, posing and answering questions)

5.  determine the use of formal or informal language appropriate to the situation.

6.  present knowledge, ideas, and requests clearly using appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure.

7.  use correct subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and appropriate verb tense when speaking.

8.  use simple and complex sentences appropriate to audience or purpose.

10.  emphasize meaning in conversations, discussions, and oral presentations by use of non-verbal cues. (example: gestures, facial expressions)

11.  clarify and support key ideas through the use of appropriate props. (example: objects, pictures, charts)

12.  use notes or memory aids to structure presentations.

13.  use the tools of technology to enhance spoken messages.

14.  recognize aspects of the surroundings that affect communication. (example: room size, seating arrangement)

Brief Summary of Unit:

This unit is designed to focus on the components of the writing process and shared writings.  After teaching about the Writing Process, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint the students will type an autobiography and submit it to their assigned pen pal.  They will then process the information and create a PowerPoint of their pen pal.  A check sheet should be provided to the students listing the requirements of the Word Document and PowerPoint.  This could be created using Word or Excel.  A rubric will be designed using either Word Document or Excel. 

Students Will Understand: 

·        Students will understand how to implement the five steps of the writing process into their writings. 

·        Students will understand how to put a PowerPoint together using facts they have learned in class.

·        Students will understand how to prepare and give a speech.

·        Students will show proper respect to others presenting.

Essential Questions to Guide this Unit and Focus Teaching and Learning:

Key Knowledge and Skills Students will Acquire:

Assessment Plan: 

Assessments will include: teacher observation, writing projects, ability to answer questions orally, PowerPoint, and other hands-on projects.

Learning Activities:  

    The students will create an interactive bulletin board together as a class.  A good example would be a ladder.  Each step of the ladder represents a step of the writing process.  Once the students complete that step of the writing process, they move up the ladder.  The students will write an autobiography following the steps of the writing process.   The students will exchange their autobiography with their assigned pen pal and create a PowerPoint presentation about their pen pal. 

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